

The nearest bank to Meshaw is in South Molton:


Lloyds Bank, 122 East Street, EX36 3DA  t: 0345 300 0000

Opening hours:  Mon-Fri 09:00-16:30  Closed weekends

ATM Machine


The Post Office in South Molton t: 08457 223344 (situated at the rear of Spar, 3-4 Broad Street, EX36 3AB) will accept cash & cheque deposits, enable withdrawals and balance checks (no ATM) during opening hours:  Mon-Wed & Fri 09:00-17:30, Thu 08:30-17:30, Sat 09:00-12:30  Sun Closed   




Apart from the ATM mentioned above, there is a 24hr ATM facility at Sainsburys, South Molton, and there is a cashpoint at the entrance to the Pannier Market.


The nearest cash (not an ATM) can be obtained from the Post Office in Witheridge during (PO) opening hours:  Mon-Wed & Fri 09:00-17:30 Thu 09:00-13:00 Sat 09:00-12:30  Sun closed